Bespoke 121 photography tuition : by arrangement

Bespoke 121 photography tuition : by arrangement

​If you find yourself in a bit of a photographic rut and would like to spend some time working on specific techniques, then a one-to-one workshop may be exactly what you need. It allows me to tailor the course so that we can cover all the areas with which you require help.

In the first instance, I will send you out a small questionnaire to find out a little more about your experience and knowledge, the gear you use, the areas in which you wish to improve. We will also probably have a chat on the phone. From there, we agree an itinerary for our day together.

You might even just want to discover some great new locations and get a bit of help with your creativity. Whatever it is, please do get in touch and I’ll be delighted to help. If you would like to, we can also dedicate some of the day to post processing, a vital part of digital photography.

Equally, if you are a beginner looking to get to grips with how to get the most out of your camera and the most out of yourself, then I can help you. I can also offer training in Lightroom and Photoshop - covering workflow, development and plug-ins.

A one-to-one typically lasts around 6 hours, with follow up email support to cover off any topics discussed. Six hours gives us a good amount of time to go into various techniques and approaches in depth, without being overly intensive. A half day session (3 hours) may also work well in some instances - again this is something we can agree together. For a half day’s tuition, I would charge £180. If there are two of you wanting to achieve much of the same goals, then I can also offer two-to-one tuition, for an additional £150/day or £80/half day. 


For workshops taking place over a weekend I charge £450. My availability for weekends is very limited due to being away so much - apologies in advance. If possible I would recomend week days as places do tend to be much quieter.