
News and views, recept trips, forthcoming events, workshop reports and any other photography related articles.

A little about what to expect when you join me on a workshop

A little about what to expect when you join me on a...

Posted on 16th April, 2014

” When we departed that evening I felt euphoric and loaded with information, and I was in processing mode for several weeks to come. It was one of the most inspirational and rewarding days I had had in years.” There are a myriad of options available now for anyone...

Ancient oaks, high tech down jackets and photo...

Posted on 14th March, 2014

Some of you may remember my blog of last year about the strange world that is photographic competitions - and the fact that I don’t have a very good record in them… you can read about it here if you are so inclined. My suspicions aired in that blog were well and truly confirmed when,...

Digitalab Featured Photographer : 18th February 2014

Posted on 20th February, 2014

​I was delighted to be the featured photographer this week for the Newcastle based professional photo lab - Digitalab. Digitalab have a first class reputation for producing stunning quality printed products for professional photographers in the North East and throughout the UK, so it was...

Nordic skiing article in The Great Outdoors magazine

Posted on 3rd February, 2014

​I was delighted to be commissioned to produce an article on Nordic skiing for the February edition of The Great Outdoors magazine (also known as TGO). The article includes six pages of photographs from two recent cross country skiing trips to Norway. TGO has always been a fabulous...

Twelve months, twelve photographs; a summary of 2013

Posted on 2nd January, 2014

​The first time I’ve taken a little look at the previous year and compiled a set of ‘favourite’ photographs. It was my intention to do so last year but my new website was being built and, in the end, time ran out. So now, as I embark upon what I hope will be an exciting and...

Yorkshire Coast Tripod Travels workshop report

Posted on 21st November, 2013

​Alex Hare and I had a thoroughly enjoyable and successful workshop weekend on the Yorkshire Coast in early November, where we were joined by a super group of clients: Paul, Laura, Babs, Nick and Nigel. Very sadly our sixth participant was unable to join us at the last minute, due to...

Featured Photographer on the official blog of the...

Posted on 20th November, 2013

​I’m delighted to be the featured photographer on the Namibian Tourist Board’s official blog page. The team there very kindly asked if I would answer a few questions about my thoughts on Namibia and any tips for photographers hoping to travel to this most spectacular country. You can...

A first meeting with some remarkable birches

Posted on 13th October, 2013

It's probably fair to say Bolehill is a bit of a favoured destination for photographers and, although I'd been aware of its existence for a couple of years, I'd never managed to pay this area of woodland a visit. I'm a bit of a fan of birch trees so it's surprising I'd not yet found my way...

From the ordinary to the exotic: exhibition at Dutch...

Posted on 25th September, 2013

I am currently exhibiting a selection of my photographs at the Dutch House in Crayke. The exhibition runs until 27th October from 10am-5pm, although the gallery is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. More details can be found here. ​From the ordinary to the exotic : abstracts from...

Getting it right out of camera: a means to an end

Posted on 14th September, 2013

​You may have heard photographers talk about ‘getting it right in camera’ - often as if this is some kind of mantra, if not holy grail, to be pursued religiously. Now if this means getting the photograph right technically, then I’m all for it. But I don’t think that’s what most...

Syria: my memories of a safe and hospitable country

Posted on 3rd September, 2013

​In May 2001 my husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. To mark the occasion we spent a very happy week visiting Syria. At that time, Bashar Al-Assad had been in power for just under a year. We found a country full of warm, friendly and hospitable people. It seemed they...

Trying to see the (dead) wood for the trees

Posted on 15th August, 2013

​We've all been there. You find yourself in a wonderful location, with all the components in front of you to make a terrific photograph; and yet no matter how hard you try, you can't quite find a way to combine those components into the 'perfect' composition. What do you do? Accept that...