Landscapes by Women : a new online venture!
Posted on 10th April, 2013
Earlier this year I was approached by a couple of extremely talented female photographers - Beata Moore and Vanda Ralevska. They had just launched a new website to celebrate landscape photography created by women; and I was thrilled to be asked to join them. Week by week more female photographers are joining the group - both professional and amateur, all very skilled in their craft and all sharing a great love of landscape and nature photography. In a field that is dominated by male photographers, it is wonderful to see so many talented women joining the group and I have no doubt it will go from strength to strength.

Vanda and Beata must take huge credit for coming up with an initiative like this and for having the drive and energy to make it happen. From the feedback we've all received so far, this has really caught people's imagination and it is a wonderful showcase for the female approach to landscape photography. I look forward to seeing Landscapes by Women grow and grow!
The website showcases a new image by one of the group every few days; and all the previous featured images are available to view in the archive. My photograph of a Springtime evening in Thornwick Bay is currently the featured image, but that will change in a couple of days - I'm looking forward to seeing who is featured next! Please do take a look - there is some really beautiful work there.