
News and views, recept trips, forthcoming events, workshop reports and any other photography related articles.

Creating a drop shadow frame in photoshop

Creating a drop shadow frame in photoshop

Posted on 5th December, 2016

​Several people have asked how I create the drop shadow frames for the photos I show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There are many ways of doing this but I thought it would be helpful to illustrate the steps I go through to create these. I use Photoshop CC for this. Resize...

Multiple exposure photography - in camera or in photoshop?

Multiple exposure photography - in camera or in...

Posted on 3rd September, 2016

Multiple exposure photography has been around for many years, in one guise or another, but in more recent times, it has become increasingly popular. It’s something a fair percentage of my workshop customers are keen to explore, although by no means all of them have a camera capable of...

Going back to my roots, and the Guildford Arts Festival

Going back to my roots, and the Guildford Arts Festival

Posted on 25th July, 2016

​I’m never quite sure what to say when people ask where I’m from. Yorkshire has been my home now for 17 years - I’ve never lived anywhere else for longer, but I know better than to say I’m ‘from’ Yorkshire! The rest of my adult life was spent in...

Speaking at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show

Speaking at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure &...

Posted on 11th February, 2016

​I’m off to London tomorrow and am really looking forward to speaking for Outdoor Photography Magazine at Excel London. I’ve been writing on and off for Outdoor Photography since 2004 (gulp) and it was a huge honour to be invited to speak. Given the emphasis on travel...

Coming to terms with Brimham Rocks - a photographic awakening

Coming to terms with Brimham Rocks - a photographic...

Posted on 27th January, 2016

​I’d been to Brimham Rocks many times, always loved walking there, always impressed with it as a place, even had the odd pleasant enough photograph to show for it. Yet I’d never really worked out what I wanted from the place, photographically speaking that is. Some places...

Four seasons and my favourite photographs from 2015

Four seasons and my favourite photographs from 2015

Posted on 2nd January, 2016

​I almost decided against doing a review this year - for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the fact that they can be incredibly time consuming. In the past two years, I’ve chosen one picture from each month - twelve pictures take a little while to choose and to talk...

My first hand made book from John Blakemore’s workshop

My first hand made book from John Blakemore’s...

Posted on 26th November, 2015

​A few days ago I completed my first hand made book! If I tell you that I started making this book in late June, you’ll realise it’s been a bit of a labour of love… Hand made book with leaf relief printed cover To be fair, the main reason it took quite so long...

Misty trees and other photographic clichés…

Misty trees and other photographic clichés…

Posted on 8th November, 2015

​Who’d have thought something as beautiful and innocuous as trees, surrounded by mist, could be such a contentious subject? For those of you blissfully unaware of the latest storm to hit the photographic world on twitter, it seems that misty trees have become the latest...

Winner of the Living the View category of LPOTY 2015

Winner of the Living the View category of LPOTY 2015

Posted on 28th October, 2015

​It’s taken me a while to find the time to add this to my site, but I was thrilled to discover the weekend before last that I had won the Living the View category of LPOTY 2015 - Landscape Photographer of the Year - with my snowy image from Wensleydale: Zigzag. I spoke in my...

Speaker at Moorsview landscape photography seminar, 31st October

Speaker at Moorsview landscape photography seminar,...

Posted on 13th October, 2015

I’m delighted to be one of the speakers at Moorsview on 31st October - a one day landscape photography seminar at Kirk Theatre in Pickering, North Yorkshire. Getting in closer : photographing the North York Moors (and shores…) The event has been organised by John Clifton...

Photographing reproduction and restored furniture on location

Photographing reproduction and restored furniture on...

Posted on 14th September, 2015

​I was recently commissioned to photograph some very beautiful pieces of furniture for a local company who specialise in creating reproduction furniture and restoring antique furniture. Although I have often photographed interiors, this was the first time I’d been asked to...

Useful resources, links and apps for photographers

Useful resources, links and apps for photographers

Posted on 16th June, 2015

I thought it would be beneficial to put together a list of some of the resources that might be useful to photographers. For those that have attended my workshops, I know I’ve been promising this list for a while but, better late than never! The list is by no means exhaustive - please...